
Introducing the M44: A Versatile Powerhouse

We are thrilled to introduce the M44 lantern, a beacon of cutting-edge technology in high-intensity omnidirectional lanterns. This blog post aims not only to showcase the M44 but also to guide you through the selection process by comparing it with our LED160 and M44H lanterns, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your maritime needs.

2023: A Year of Innovation and Collaboration

As the year draws to a close, it's the perfect time to reflect on the incredible journey we've had at SPX Aids to Navigation. In this post, we'll revisit some of the most impactful and noteworthy events that shaped our year – from exciting product launches to meaningful collaborations and unforgettable moments at international conferences.

A New, Modern Lantern for Lighthouses and Fixed Beacons

Nowadays there are a number of lantern options available for lighthouses. In our recent article 'Modern Upgrades for Lighthouse Beacons’, we explore the different lanterns that are currently available for those looking to retain traditional lighthouse optics and also for those looking to achieve the operational and maintenance benefits of a [...]